42 West 17th Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10011
(212) 645-0808 phone
(212) 924-7978 fax
Works by:

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

Alphonse Mucha

Jules Chéret

Leonetto Cappiello

PAL (Jean de Paléologue)

A. M. Cassandre

Paul Colin

Bernard Villemot

Théophile Gustave Steinlen

Entertainment & Theatre

Food & Drink


Auto & Cycle

Other Advertising

Horizontal Posters


French Posters, Jules Cheret, Art Prints, Belle Epoque, Art, Posters, Prints, Paintings, 1900, Turn of the Century, Toulouse , Lautrec, Art, Art Prints, Prints, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Lautrec, Art, Cappiello, Cassandre, Old Masters, French Masters, Art, Prints, Lithographs, Art Lithographs, Lithos, Litho, Art, Pictures, Framing, PAL, Chocolat, Wine, Food, Drink, Liquor, Liqueur, Milk, Girls, Boys, Women, Men, Clothes, Steinlen, Opera, Posters, Theater, Theatre, Music, Posters, Travel, Cote d'Azur, Beach, Ocean, Sea, Sun, Skiing, Travel, Europe, European, Vintage Posters, Antiques Posters, Posters, Antiques, Old Posters, Mucha, Art Noveau, Art Deco, Artists, Artistic, France
Cappiello pursued the posterist's goal with a clarity and purpose that set him apart from his peers, and it is with this poster that he firmly established himself as the master of the modern poster, and perhaps of modern advertising. He was the first to understand that if an advertising image is strong enough, the actual product does not have to be shown. His symbol of the green lady on a red horse proved to so successful as a symbol that it remains the company trademark today almost 100 years later.

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